Saturday, October 19, 2013

What's happening this year with the trade school?

You may know that we are in a holding pattern for this year, no new students, and only two students back for year two of the program. John Wiens is in Canada now doing fundraising for the trade school, and we have a group from BC who are raising money and plan to send a team to help with the barn remodeling spring 2014. We plan to have a new group of students start the program next fall, and with the farm up and working to support the program and provide a better work experience for the students, even start a new trade track for students.

The program is undergoing some growing pains from last year, we hope to make it cheaper to run. Last year we gave the students, room board and pocket money, but most of them left us this year because even though we offer a government approved certificate, they could not receive the stipend the government pays monthly to orphans under the age of 23 attending trade schools. Most of our orphans from last year who completed the certificate are attending other trade schools this year, so they can get their monthly cash payment.

Maxim Boradim, our orphan from the "handicapped orphanage" who is not disabled at all, is living with us and along with Andrey (our Max's brother) doing the second year of the course with Garry. Masha comes out on Thursdays to translate, they are working on further balancing of feed rations and will learn to artificially inseminate cows. Masha is also helping Maxim Boradim with his schoolwork as he is attempting to do a correspondence course to finish high school. Orphan students that are labeled handicapped are not allowed to finish the last two years of high school in Ukraine- or even get a drivers licence.

Sweta, who did not finish and went back to Kramatorstk is working at a store there. Max Korabel was working for the local farmer, but quit and moved on to parts unknown with his girlfriend after they got paid this summer.

Our non-orphans from last year, were Alina, Andrey and Verinika, who was baptized this summer. She is studying to take exams to get into a veterinary university in the the spring. She is being tutored by Masha in Ukrainian language and a lady from Zaporosia in Chemistry and Biology. Her parents were worried about Garry paying the bill, but they are happy with it now. They are worried about their only child moving away.

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