Monday, September 8, 2014

Day one... not quite as planned

Reviewing the parts on a real cow
Day one of class two of the trade school did not go quite as planned... the two students who were gone for the weekend did not come back to the village today.
 It seems Tolik will not come back after visiting his sick grandmother, and Nikolai did not make it back until Monday night. He seems to spend all his money when he goes away, so he has problems getting back, hopefully he learns to make better decisions this year.

 However, the day was a success for the four students who did come!
and in the classroom

Group home parents and students in the classroom

Nastya was late, but the boys showed up right at 9 am for class. They worked on learning all the parts of a cow today. Garry's first module is cattle judging, and tomorrow I will start a short English class mid- morning. They also worked on setting the work schedule for this week,

At left we have everyone who came today for lunch, From Left closest to camera, Suisa (Luba's daughter who may help teach) Luba, girls group home mom, Iera, guys home mom, Nastya, student, Maria Garry's translator/assistant. far right of table: Garry, Kolya, Sasha and Valara, students, and Andrey, guy's home dad.
Kolya really liked the oliveya salad, he had thirds
Anybody hungry?
At 12:30, the end of classes, the foster parents came to help us celebrate the first day of school with a special lunch I made. Afterwards the students had a short time of work experience in the barn with Garry to learn what they were going to do there.
Looking at Nastya's schedule

The boy's showing Andrey their schedules 

Late this afternoon, we picked up the two orphan girls from Kirvoy Rog at the bus station in Dnepropetroesk and after buying some Mc Donalds from the drive-thru for them, we drove back to the village and left them at the girls house overnight.

Tomorrow they will join us for class and then we'll find out if they will be joining our school, so maybe we will have more than six students this week.

Tuesday morning the girls in class (Maria, standing is translating for Garry)

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